Spark Up Your Marriage Every Morning


Mornings. They’re infamous for being unpleasant. Too often, just getting up and getting started becomes more important than paying attention to the people around you.

However, just as breakfast is the most important meal of the day, it’s important to leave the house in the morning feeling connected to and appreciated by your partner. Here are some quick tips to help your relationship get up on the right side of the bed every day:

Make a Routine
In today’s hectic world, sometimes you have to plan out the simplest of things. Arrange your morning routine so that you’ve got 10 or 15 minutes to sit down, have a cup of coffee and discuss your upcoming day. Is anything important or exciting happening? Is there something you’re nervous or anxious about? Understanding each other’s moods and potential challenges or triumphs can help you better relate to your partner throughout the day and into the evening.

Now, Break Routine
You don’t have to wait until a birthday or holiday to do something special for your partner. Spontaneously remind him that he’s important. Make a nice pancake breakfast with a whipped-cream smiley face. Have fresh flowers waiting on the breakfast table. Do a chore or errand that he typically handles in the morning so that he’s got a little extra free time.

Write a Note
Imagine your spouse getting to work, already sighing at the growing workload. Now imagine her opening her briefcase and, on top of the files and legal pads, finding a special note from you reiterating your affection and wishing your the best for the day ahead. Never forget that the smallest gestures can have the biggest results.

Have the Last Word
How many times have you remembered the ending of a movie or book, but not much of the middle? Last impressions are critical, so make an effort to ensure that your last words to your partner each morning are positive and encouraging. (Try sharing one great thing about your relationship as your partner heads out the door.) Just a few words have the power to make a day start great or to make it start bumpy — use your words the right way.

Follow Up
The morning is a great time to begin communication, but don’t forget to follow up later in the day. Your partner might be offended if you discussed an important meeting planned for that day but don’t ask about it later. You must work to grow your relationship and to support your partner not just in the early morning hours, but throughout the day and night.


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