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Surrender to God for a Better Life

Ilustrasi: Surrender to God for a Better Life by Surrender Today.

A Story

Scott Hamilton is a famous American ice skier. He was born in Toledo, Ohio, USA. At the age of 3 weeks he was adopted by a family of professors. He grows with two other adopted children. Growing up, he then focused on ice sports.

Once, in 1997, he experienced a tremendous pain in his stomach. After being diagnosed at a clinic in Cleveland, a cancer found in his testicles. For many people, the news of his cancer is a catastrophe. But when he heard the news, Scott made a joke. It was done to improve his confidence. The joke strengthened him.

Such a situation helped him to undergo a successful 12-week operation. After six weeks of recovering from the cancer, Scott returned to the ice rink to practice. He prepares himself for his 12 season appearance as an ice skier.

Scott Hamilton believes that the thing that makes a person slump is a behavior that makes him sad. Therefore, he is not sad to hear bad news about his health. He accepted it optimistically.

Many people are so frightened and sad to hear of their deteriorating health. They became moody in their life. It is as if the world is about to come to an end. And if people face it calmly, people will find a bright spot in their life.

The story of Scott Hamilton had given us the inspiration to have a soul power in the face of various diseases that attacking us. The humors Scott discloses make him has highly self-confident. He believes, by showing the spirit of life, he is able to deal with his illness.

Everyone is against diseases. There are easy to face the situation of his or her life when the disease attacked him or her. But some are afraid to face the situation of his or her life. Of course this is a very human thing. But when people are optimistic to face the illness that attacks them, it will help people recover from their illness.

Accepting openly living situations helps people to pass life events well. The problem is often people experience panic in their life. People feel their life are coming to an end. Whereas the human life is in the hands of God.

Believers must always be optimistic in living this life. Why? Because optimism helps us to live this life in peace and quiet. But to arrive at that optimism, one must dare to surrender his or her whole life to God. It is only through the surrender of life that one is able to live this life well and truly. Let us surrender our lives to God, so that we can discover the meaning of a better and true life.

Frans de Sales SCJ



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